Here, I get a chance to write about one of my all time passions – Zodiac Signs 🙂 They have never failed to fascinate me and indeed, even though the logic behind them is pretty much hazy, the uncanny resemblance to the real life people can not be denied.

In this post, I will write a couple of ways to recognise an aquarian (Thats Me!!) 😀

How to recognise an Aquarian



“In spring, when -woods are getting green, I’ll try and tell you what I mean:

In summer, when the days are long, Perhaps you’ll understand the song.'”

“For this must ever be   -A secret

Kept from all the rest Between yourself and me.”

Generally kindly and tranquil by nature, Aquarians never­theless enjoy defying public opinion, and they secretly delight in shocking more conventional people with oc­casional erratic conduct. These normally soft-spoken and courteous souls can suddenly short circuit you with the most amazing statements and actions at the most unpredict­able times.

You can often recognize people born under this fixed, air sign by their frequent use of the word friend, Aquarian Franklin Roosevelt’s fireside chats invariably began with, “My friends . . .” and the typical Uranus question after a broken romance is, “Can’t we still be friends?” Aquarius is neither jaded nor naive, neither enthusiastic nor blase. Continuous experimentation simply leaves him curious to penetrate the next mystery, and the next mystery could be you. That person who seems to be either a million miles away mentally, or else dissecting you under an invisible microscope, is probably an Aquarian. It can be disconcert­ing to discover, after all his intense, nattering curiosity, that he’s just as deeply interested in the personal lives of the corner policeman, the bartender, the bellboy, the night club singer or the inmates of the funny house as he is in yours. Politics fascinate him, sports absorb him and chil­dren intrigue him. But then so do horses, automobiles, elderly people, medical discoveries, authors, astronauts, alcoholics, pianos, pinwheels and prayers-not to mention baseball and Louis Armstrong. Join the crowd and toss your ego in the wastebasket, or his coolly impersonal ap­proach will be sure to bruise it.

Freedom-loving Uranians can be acutely funny, original, conceited and independent, but they can also be diplomatic, gentle, sympathetic and timid. The Aquarian will almost desperately seek the security of crowds and saturate himself with friendship. Then hell fall into a gloomy, morose spell of loneliness, and want to be strictly left alone.

To this end, Aquarians are always analyzing situations, friends and strangers. It can be disturbing when they start asking pointblank questions, with a bare minimum of tact, as they probe into the heart of your private feelings. When they discover the puzzle wasn’t so complex after all, they become bored, sometimes even upset. 🙂

Uranians are a curious mixture of cold, practicality and eccentric instability, and they seem to have an instinctive empathy with the mentally disturbed. It’s a curious fact that almost any Aquarian can substantially reduce the anxiety of the insane simply by talking to them quietly. He has a marvelous knack for calming hysterical people and soothing frightened children. :O

You’ll rarely find the Aquarian fighting fiercely for a cause. They live their code, and feel that’s enough. Let Aries, Scorpio, Leo and Sagittarius grab the sword and battle gloriously to free the downtrodden. The Uranus-ruled souls are too busy figuring out the reason for the revolution, listening to people’s troubles and sharing sym­pathetic understanding. Aquarius believes in violent change, but he leaves the violence to others. He’s not a moral or a physical coward. He just isn’t geared for battle.  😀

Aquarians don’t have the best memories in the world, but then they really don’t need to memorize much, since they seem to pick up knowledge out of thin air, with some kind of invisible antennae. Why should they clutter their minds with information they may never need, when they can reach out by osmosis and grasp just about anything they want? They’re likely to come home from the store without the most important item on the grocery list, be­cause they can’t be bothered with remembering what is, to them, non-essential. The typical Aquarian is the em­bodiment of the legendary absent-minded professor. 😉
