The World as I see it

My Life. My Views

Mehboob mere – Patthar ke Sanam — August 23, 2007
Migraine – 10 tips to fight! —

Migraine – 10 tips to fight!


This one is for Vatsa and all those people who struggle from the frequent attacks of Migraine. Before a headache springs full blown, you may be able to avoid or dial down the pain by taking evasive action. There are some ways, this menace can be fought:

  1. Keep a headache diary – how long they last, how severe they are, what was happening before the pain started and how you sought relief—can help you and your doctor identify your Headache Triggers.

  2. Watch what you eat – Food always gets the blame of triggering Migraine headaches. Sadly, only 20 percent to 30 percent of people can consistently identify the foods that trigger their headaches. But, still you can try dropping some food items and seeing how they help.

  3. Get enough Mangnesium – Magnesium relaxes blood vessels and reduces the likelihood that migraine-inducing electric signals in the brain will be generated, both of which can cut your chances of getting a headache. Other magnesium-rich foods include leafy green vegetables and nuts (although for some, nuts are a headache trigger).

  4. Eat regular meals – Just as important as avoiding foods that may trigger headaches is making sure you eat a healthy diet and don’t skip meals.

  5. Be careful with Caffeine, Alcohol and Tobacco – For some sufferers, Caffeine is a major culprit. “When it’s ingested daily or nearly daily it tends to make migraines worse,” says Freitag. Alcohol, especially red wine and dark liquors, can be headache triggers. So can tobacco and second-hand smoke, which you shouldn’t be messing around with anyway, headaches or not.

  6. Stick to the sleep schedule – Keeping regular hours—even on the weekends—may help you avoid pain.

  7. Exercise regularly – The idea is to improve the production of endorphins, the brain’s natural painkillers. To do that, Freitag advises a minimum of 20 minutes to a half-hour of concentrated aerobic exercise, such as walking at a brisk, 4-miles-per-hour pace at least three times a week. Mannix says go for more if you can: 30 to 60 minutes per session, five days a week.

  8. Manage stress – You can try all kinds of techniques, from massage to yoga to biofeedback.

  9. Try acupressure – Acupressure, a form of traditional Chinese medicine that’s based on the same ideas as acupuncture, involves putting gentle pressure on different points of your body and is a technique you can do yourself.

  10. Apply a cold pack – Cold, says Freitag, “has a bit of a local anesthetic effect.” So, go ahead: Place a cold pack on your forehead. “You don’t need a fancy ice pack,” says Freitag. “All you need is a package of frozen peas wrapped in a towel.”


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