The World as I see it

My Life. My Views

Cooking and Confidence!? — August 1, 2007

Cooking and Confidence!?

Lady Chef

I started cooking when I was very young, must have been around 9-10 years old. Cooking was always a passion and not somthing forced down upon by mum. Both mum and dad were very supportive of careers of us sisters. So, we were never forced to do the household work or even help mum in the kitchen. I started purely out of curiosity and interest. Whipping up something tasty seemed like a lot of fun!

But, these days, I observe that a lot of people around me, and surprisingly a lot of girls are hardly proficient in cooking! Their parents, like mine, never forced them in the kitchen and they, unlike me, never felt like going in there. It is only now, that they are getting the hang of being around in the kitchen!

I noticed a very interesting phenomena the other day. Even if u dont know cooking and have never stepped in the kitchen before – u can manage to do wonders if u are confident of what u r doing! I have seen women, who r scared of cooking, so much so that, if they are asked to make something, they will carefully measure the ingredients 3-4 times and yet the final outcome would be far from satisfactory!

Do you know why!? Because, cooking is not a method. It is an art!

If two women r given the recipe and ingredients of the same dish, they will probably end up making two dishes, which taste differently! This goes out to prove that only ingredients and methods dont make up a well-cooked dish – it is the prerogative of the person who is cooking it.

A piece of the person’s attitude gets reflected in their cooking! Hence, if u ask two people to cook something for the first time, the one who is more confident will end up doing a better job! 🙂

Adios till then! 🙂

Where to draw the line!? —

Where to draw the line!?

Drawing the line

LOL! I am in a realllyyyyy dangerous mood, so kindly bear with me 😉

Every relationship has its own sanctity, be it the relationship of mother-daughter, father-son, sister-brother, uncle-niece, grandmom-granddaughter, between two friends, two lovers – Any kind of relationship between two human beings!

It is upon us to maintain the sanctity or purity of each relationship – It is very easy to get carried away! Both by over-doing or under-doing things, you may be facing a serious relationship problem! I am sure all of us have found ourselves on both the ends of the spectrum!

If you really like the other person, you may tend to go overboard sometimes and end up feeling stupid! On the other extreme, if you r not very fond of the other person, you may end up neglecting even the basic courtesies! Hence, it is extremely important to maintain the balance! – It is extremely crucial to understand where to draw the line!

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Personal hell!??? —

Personal hell!???

Personal hell

For a long time now, I was thinking of writing on this topic! Personal hell, here, necessarily means the hell that we create for ourselves. Most of the times, we can rationally reason and understand why a particular thing should not be done. But, if we end up doing it invariably due to any damn reason – THAT, my friend, is Personal Hell.

A lot of people have various ways of dealing with it. Some just accept personal hell as a reality and learn to live with it normally. Some go in a shell until they have mastered the art of dealing with such idiosyncracies.

Personal hell almost always ends up harming u as a person. It usually doesnt inflict any damage on people around you. The question that always comes to my mind is: Is it possible to be sane and yet have a personal hell? Is it possible to inflict as less damage or better, no damage at all on your soul while dealing with the personal hell!? What do you do when you are governed with this hell!? You know tht the reasoning will not help… What do you do then!?

I wish i had answers to these questions!!! I am not expecting you to answer them either! In fact, now that I think about it, I do not know if this post made any sense to anyone at all… Its just gibberish maybe!
